Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh, blogging, how I have missed thee...

All the cool kids are doing it, so I figured why the hell not?

It's not like I haven't done it before.

Every writer needs a motivation, and believe me, I have motivation. He may not, strictly speaking, be my muse, but he sure does make this journey a whole lot more amusing. (And amazing!)

But I am getting a bit ahead of myself! I haven't even mentioned what the journey is yet.

Here's a hint:

I'm fat.

That's right. I might have a small problem involving a really big ass.

Oh, and I like the beatings.

Yup, I'm trying to lose weight, and gain muscle, and maybe somewhere along the way, find out what it is I really want, without all of these old expectations about who I thought I should have been holding me back.

Oh, and I aim to get some beatings along the way. I'll tell you all about that soon enough, in entirely more detail than you want (or maybe not enough detail, 'cause I'm a teasing bitch sometimes).

So, here's to happy growing and shrinking, and all those other size related things...

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